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To always

Expect The Unexpeted

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To be

Safe Just In Case 

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Survival Essentials

Survival Essentials is everything you will need, for you and your loved ones to be completely Safe Just In Case of an unexpected disastrous life-threatening event..

Safe Just In Case Blog

Safe Just In Case 911 Blog is here to guide you in the right direction on what to do when a life-threatening event would take place.  

Survival Tips

Survival Tips From The Experts.

Spread Survival Smarts

Spread The Survival Smarts around to all of your friends and loved ones every where to ensure everyone in your circle and those around it are properly equipped and Safe Just In Case.


Refer-A-Friend to our website and if they make a qualifying purchase of $25 or more with your Refer-A-Friend Code, you get to enjoy a nice 15% off of your next purchase.

Contact Us

Contact Us at anytime for any reason. :) We all take pride in the fact of knowing everyone is Safe Just In Case.

About Us

Safe Just In Case, is what we strive to ensure everybody is, unfortunately The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says 70 percent of Americans haven’t practiced for a disaster. Many don’t have a plan in place in case of a disaster.  That is where we come in. To ensure every single person around the globe is properly prepared to expect the unexpected.

We have made it our ultimate life goal to ensure that when a disaster were to strike, that nobody would have to suffer the "end of the stick" because they were unaware of the absolute necessity of being prepared. 

Keep scrolling down to find out more about our Survival Essentials and how they would be the essentials to save your life in a time where these necessities would no longer be available due to chaotic outrages that would place you in a certain devastating situation.

Our Team

Jesse Joseph Ruiz


My name is Jesse Joseph Ruiz. I am an entrepreneur who felt the need to ensure proper safety precautions were available for every single family out there and to ensure everybody had the opportunity to be Safe Just In Case.

Lisa La Porte


My name is Lisa La Porte. I am responsible for planning, development and implementation of all of the Organization’s marketing strategies, marketing communications, and public relations activities, both external and internal.  Most of all making sure everybody knows how to be Safe Just In Case.

Yasmin Garibay


My name is Yasmin Garibay.  I am responsible for acting as a liaison between customers and our company. I I also assists with complaints, orders, errors, account questions, billing, cancellations, and other queries. Making it as simple as possible to be Safe Just In Case.

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